Early Learning Programs


Our playgroups provide pre-school-aged children with opportunities to socialise, have fun and learn through play.

Activities are strong on culture and include active play, imagination, role play, educational games, toys and arts and crafts.

We always enjoy some morning tea or lunch to share.

Playgroup provides opportunities for parents and their children to interact in a positive, safe and nurturing environment enhancing individual learning and development whilst promoting emotional and social connections.

Playgroup sessions are on every week (during the school terms) at:

  • Mildura (MDAS Community Hall)
  • Swan Hill (Kunawaa, Chapman Street)
  • Kerang (Northern District Community Health)


HIPPY (Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters) is a two-year home-based early-learning and parenting program for families of pre-school children.

You are your child's first and most important teachers and HIPPY home tutors can help you with activities for fun and learning. The tutors will visit you weekly to deliver the program to you, so you can then do the program with your child in your own time during the week.

The program fits around your daily routine.

The activities allow your child to have fun, build confidence and gain skills to support transition to school.

HIPPY is an opportunity for parents and children to learn and grow together.

HIPPY is delivered in conjunction with HIPPY Australia.


The Wayipunggitj Program (previously known as Koori Pre-School Assistant Program) helps Early Years services create welcoming kindergarten programs for Aboriginal children.

This program can also connect your family with other local childhood services that help your child get ready for their school journey.

Our staff offer a culturally inclusive program to all funded kindergartens across our region.

The Program helps:

  • Aboriginal children and their families to be active participants in kindergarten
  • Build the capacity of kindergartens to provide culturally relevant programs
  • Families to locate a suitable kindergarten and assist with the enrolment process
  • Liaise with the Koori Engagement Officers (KESOs) in engaging with families of Aboriginal children

We encourage you to be involved in your child’s early education.

For more information about any of these programs, or to get involved, please contact earlyyears@mdas.org.au.

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