Family Violence is the biggest killer of women aged 14 to 44 in Australia.
For Aboriginal women, deaths from family violence are double that of the rest of the population.
MDAS operates a range of programs aimed at working towards ending family violence in Mallee communities.
Women's Crisis Support:
Meminar Ngangg Gimba (MNG) provides a culturally appropriate and holistic case management support and crisis accommodation for Indigenous women and children experiencing family violence. It provides a proactive and early intervention response for Indigenous women to work together, share experiences and resolve issues in a traditional woman-only approach.
Men's Case Management:
The Men’s case Management program is aimed at supporting Aboriginal men who have been removed from the home and are homeless because they've used violence against family members (including their partner and children) and are subject to exclusion orders or other legal action. Case management services will be provided to men who are removed from the home due to violence and are subsequently homeless and who may be on the verge of committing further violence against their families.
Time Out Services:
The Time Out Services Family Violence Program aims to provide support to Indigenous people who use violence towards their family members to enable them to deal with their issues in a culturally appropriate manner. This also includes enhancing the safety of Aboriginal people experiencing or recovering from family violence through the provision of timely and appropriate support services (Case Management) and services/projects directed at Aboriginal people attempting to address their violent behavior.