Centrelink offers Mallee District Aboriginal Services' housing tenants and prospective tenants in Mildura, Swan Hill and Kerang a free-of-charge rent payment service.
This can be arranged at your local Centrelink office.
In addition, MDAS provides a range of programs aimed at supporting and assisting Koori people who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness.
Crisis Supported Accommodation
The Supported Accommodation Assistance program offers case-managed support in conjunction with short term crisis accommodation and aims to assist clients to address the range of issues impacting their ability to access and maintain long-term housing.
Aboriginal Tenants at Risk of Eviction (ATARE)
The ATARE Program will help you to get and keep your Aboriginal social housing (usually provided by the Ministry of Housing or Aboriginal Housing Victoria) by supporting you to address issues that could place your housing at risk.
Koori Private Tenancy Support (Private Rental Assistance Program)
Our Koori Private Tenancy Support Program can help you if you're wanting to leave Aboriginal Housing, to rent a home in the private rental market. We can also help you to maintain a current private tenancy property. The aim of the program is to make sure Aboriginal people in private rentals understand their rights and obligations as a tenant.
Centrelink offers Mallee District Aboriginal Services' housing tenants in Mildura, Swan Hill and Kerang a free-of-charge rent payment service. Contact your local Centrelink office for information and assistance in accessing this service.